A former radio and television talk show host turned author today stated that right wing evangelical rhetoric is the main cause of the rising scorn against Christianity. Joe Ortiz, author of two books that challenge the Left Behind, and Pre-Tribulation Rapture doctrines, blames many of the right-wing evangelical groups in this country for creating a division among Christians who do not support their theological and politicial mission.
“Let’s face it, the left wing’s recent political success (including Barack Obama’s re-election to the Presidency) is a back lash against the last two decades of gains made by right wing evangelicals who have embedded themselves deeply within the neo-conservative faction of the last administration,” said Ortiz, author of The End Times Passover and Why Christians Will Suffer Great Tribulation.
“Those folks (on the left side of American political arena) simply got tired of hearing from sanctimonious right wing Republicans and their moralistic rhetoric,” said Ortiz, “who at the same time were stumbling over their own weak-willed behavior.”
Ortiz, who has the distinction of being the first Mexican American to host a talk show on an English-language, commercial radio station (KABC-AM, Los Angeles, 1971), said not a day goes by where he doesn’t see hundreds of news stories where Christians are being attacked for not supporting same sex marriages, and for many other amoral issues that all human beings experience; as well as their twisted rhetoric concerning deep-seeded political issues among and between Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
“These Holier than thou evangelicals, of which a majority believe Jesus is going to rescue them from a decadent society, and take them to heaven while all hell breaks loose on earth, are giving reasons and inspiration to those on the left to retaliate more harshly against the Christian dogma than in the past,” added Ortiz.
Ortiz said these ersatz theologian agitators are mainly comprised of right wing political ideologues who have been advising their political friends throughout the country, from city hall and all the way up to the White house, to support an aggressive military campaign against all innocent people in the Middle East.
Ortiz said he is not afraid of pointing out the main characters of this specious Zionist rhetoric, stating that authors and evangelists such as Jerry Jenkins, Tim LaHaye, John Hagee, Hal Lindsey, Mike Evans, Pat Robertson and many others cannot not deny this agenda.
“These people are actually spewing anti-Semitic rhetoric under their breath and under the cloak of religiosity that calls for punishment-to-repentance and conversion of Israelites (and Jews) to Christianity, an accomplishment they believe has to happen before they can usher in their so-called Pre-Tribulation Rapture to Heaven mythology,” said Ortiz. "At the same time, they are sending millions of dollars in support of the rogue state of Israel, believing they are God's chosen people. You can't have it both ways!"
Ortiz said he is not alone in his conclusion that these individuals are promoting false doctrines. He said his colleagues are a minority of authors, educators and theologians who have biblical proof to refute their falsehoods, but they don’t have the Zionist-funded pulpit to prove their point. Ortiz said he and many others who have biblical evidence to crush their rhetoric, and they accuse the publishers of Left Behind ideology of ignoring the truth because their books are making them millions of dollars. Tim LaHaye’s “Left Behind” books have sold over 65 million copies.
“We know that the publishers of books written by Tim LaHaye, Jerry Jenkins and Hal Lindsey will not publish books like ours (which can prove their doctrines are wrong),” said Ortiz, “But we do know that some time soon, their mythologies will be overturned and true Christianity will prevail.”
Ortiz said that true Christians seek peace, not war; true Christians do not condemn other people for their respective beliefs. He said their goal is to convert them to Jesus by their loving and caring example, and not by promoting a titillating and soothing doctrine such as "Left Behind."
“The true Christian’s goal is to feed the poor, tend to the infirm, and preach the Gospel of salvation,” said Ortiz.
“We represent true Christians who know that peace can never be attained through political nor military might, but whose blessed hope is the eventual return of Christ to establish eternal peace.”
For more information about the author and his books, blogs and web sites, please click on Joe Ortiz.
[Great blog! Just spied the following on the web. Another interesting Google bit is "The Best Rapture Locater." I am glad to see you standing up for what is true and right! Jon]
Famous Rapture Watchers - Addendum
by Dave MacPherson
(The statements in my "Famous Rapture Watchers" web article appeared in my 1983 book "The Great Rapture Hoax" and quoted only past leaders. Here are the other leaders who were quoted in that original printing.)
Oswald J. Smith: "...I am absolutely convinced that there will be no rapture before the Tribulation, but that the Church will undoubtedly be called upon to face the Antichrist..." (Tribulation or Rapture - Which?, p. 2).
Paul B. Smith: "You are perfectly free to quote me as believing rather emphatically in the post-tribulation teaching of the Bible" (letter dated June 9, 1976).
S. I. McMillen: "...Christians will suffer in the Great Tribulation" (Discern These Times, p. 55).
Norman F. Douty: "...all of the evidence of history runs one way - in favor of Post-tribulationism" (Has Christ's Return Two Stages?, p. 113).
Leonard Ravenhill: "There is a cowardly Christianity which...still comforts its fainting heart with the hope that there will be a rapture - perhaps today - to catch us away from coming tribulation" (Sodom Had No Bible, p. 94).
William Hendriksen: "...the one and only second coming of Christ to judgment" (Israel in Prophecy, p. 29).
Loraine Boettner: "Hence we conclude that nowhere in Scripture does it teach a secret or pre-tribulation Rapture" (The Millennium, p. 168).
J. Sidlow Baxter: "...believers of the last days (there is only one small part of the total Church on earth at any given moment) will be on earth during the so-called 'Great Tribulation' " (Explore the Book, Vol. 6, p. 345).
Merrill C. Tenney: "There is no convincing reason why the seer's being 'in the Spirit' and being called into heaven [Revelation 4:1-2] typifies the rapture of the church..." (Interpreting Revelation, p. 141).
James R. Graham: "...there is not a line of the N.T. that declares a pre-tribulation rapture, so its advocates are compelled to read it into certain indeterminate texts..." (Watchman, What of the Night?, p. 79).
Ralph Earle: "The teaching of a pre-tribulation rapture seems first to have been emphasized widely about 100 years ago by John Darby of the Plymouth Brethren" (Behold, I Come, p. 74).
Clarence B. Bass: "...I most strongly believe dispensationalism to be a departure from the historic faith..." (Backgrounds to Dispensationalism, p. 155).
William C. Thomas: "The return of Jesus Christ, described by parousia, revelation, and epiphany, is one single, glorious, triumphant event for which we all wait with great eagerness!" (The Blessed Hope in the Thessalonian Epistles of Paul, p. 42).
Harold J. Ockenga: "No exegetical justification exists for the arbitrary separation of the 'coming of Christ' and the 'day of the Lord.' It is one 'day of the Lord Jesus Christ' " (Christian Life, February, 1955).
Duane Edward Spencer: "Paul makes it very clear that the Church will pass through the Great Tribulation" ("Rapture-Tribulation" cassette).
J. C. Maris: "Nowhere the Bible teaches that the Church of Jesus Christ is heading for world dominion. On the contrary - there will be no place for her, save in 'the wilderness,' where God will take care of her (Rev. 12:13-17)" (I.C.C.C. leaflet "The Danger of the Ecumenical Movement," p. 2).
F. F. Bruce: "To meet the Lord [I Thessalonians 4:17]...on the final stage of...[Christ's] journey...to the earth..." (New Bible Commentary: Revised, p. 1159).
G. Christian Weiss: "Some people say that this ['gospel of the kingdom' in Matthew 24:14] is not the gospel of grace but is a special aspect of the gospel to be preached some time in the future. But there is nothing in the context to indicate this" ("Back to the Bible" broadcast, February 9, 1976).
Pat Brooks: "Soon we, in the Body of Christ, will be confronted by millions of people disillusioned by such false teaching [Pre-Tribism]" (Hear, O Israel, p. 186).
Herman Hoeksema: "...the time of Antichrist, when days so terrible are still to arrive for the church..." (Behold, He Cometh!, p. 131).
Ray Summers: "Because they [Philadelphia] have been faithful, he promises his sustaining grace in the tribulation..." (Worthy Is the Lamb, p. 123).
George E. Ladd: "[Pretribulationism] may be guilty of the positive danger of leaving the Church unprepared for tribulation when Antichrist appears..." (The Blessed Hope, p. 164).
Peter Beyerhaus: "The Christian Church on earth [will face] the final, almost superhuman test of being confronted with the apocalyptical temptation by Antichrist" (Christianity Today, April 13, 1973).
Leon Morris: "The early Christians...looked for the Christ to come as Judge" (Apocalyptic, p. 84).
Dale Moody: "There is not a passage in the New Testament to support Scofield. The call to John to 'come up hither' has reference to mystical ecstasy, not to a pretribulation rapture" (Spirit of the Living God, p. 203).
John R. W. Stott: "He would not spare them from the suffering [Revelation 3:10]; but He would uphold them in it" (What Christ Thinks of the Church, p. 104).
G. R. Beasley-Murray: "...the woman, i.e., the Church...flees for refuge into the wilderness [Revelation 12:14]..." (The New Bible Commentary, p. 1184).
Bernard L. Ramm: "...as the Church moves to meet her Lord at the parousia world history is also moving to meet its Judge at the same parousia" (Leo Eddleman's Last Things, p. 41).
J. Barton Payne: "...the twentieth century has indeed witnessed a progressively rising revolt against pre-tribulationism" (The Imminent Appearing of Christ, p. 38).
Robert H. Gundry: "Divine wrath does not blanket the entire seventieth week...but concentrates at the close" (The Church and the Tribulation, p. 63).
C. S. Lovett: "Frankly I favor a post-trib rapture...I no longer teach Christians that they will NOT have to go through the tribulation" (PC, January, 1974).
Walter R. Martin: "Walter Martin finally said...'Yes, I'm a post-trib' " (Lovett's PC, December, 1976).
Jay Adams: "Today's trend is...from pre- to posttribulationism" (The Time Is at Hand, p. 2).
Jim McKeever: "Nowhere do the Scriptures say that the Rapture will precede the Tribulation" (Christians Will Go Through the Tribulation, p. 55).
Arthur Katz: "I think it fair to tell you that I do not subscribe to the happy and convenient theology which says that God's people are going to be raptured and lifted up when a time of tribulation and trial comes" (Reality, p. 8).
Billy Graham: "Perhaps the Holy Spirit is getting His Church ready for a trial and tribulation such as the world has never known" (Sam Shoemaker's Under New Management, p. 72).
W. J. Grier: "The Scofield Bible makes a rather desperate effort...it tries to get in the 'rapture' of the saints before the appearing of Antichrist" (The Momentous Event, p. 58).
Pat Robertson: "Jesus Christ is going to come back to earth again to deliver Israel and at the same time to rapture His Church; it's going to be one moment, but it's going to be a glorious time" ("700 Club" telecast, May 14, 1975).
Ben Kinchlow: "Any wrath [during the Tribulation] that comes upon us - any difficulty - will not be induced by God, but it'll be like the people are saying, 'The cause of our problems are those Christians in our midst; we need to get rid of them' " ("700 Club" telecast, August 28, 1979).
Daniel P. Fuller: "It is thus concluded that Dispensationalism fails to pass the test of an adequate system of Biblical Interpretation" (The Hermeneutics of Dispensationalism, p. 369).
Corrie ten Boom: "The Bible prophesies that the time will come when we cannot buy or sell, unless we bear the sign of the Antichrist..." (Tramp for the Lord, p. 187).
[The same writer has also written "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty" which is now on the "Powered by Christ Ministries" website.]
I do not accept Pretribulationism. I did at one time; however, I studied the problems relating to it and do not find that view biblical. I believe in Post-Tribulationism.I believe that the Church is the New Testament Israel and God will protect us as he did the ancient Hebrews during the plagues of ancient Egypt during the time of Moses. The Church Age is an indefinite period of time; therefore, only God the Father knows when the Second Coming is. Charles E. Miller, AB, Old Dominion University; MA, Liberty University
I do not accept Pretribulationism. I did at one time; however, I studied the problems relating to it and do not find that view biblical. I believe in Post-Tribulationism.I believe that the Church is the New Testament Israel and God will protect us as he did the ancient Hebrews during the plagues of ancient Egypt during the time of Moses. The Church Age is an indefinite period of time; therefore, only God the Father knows when the Second Coming is. Charles E. Miller, AB, Old Dominion University; MA, Liberty University
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