Monday, February 12, 2007

Category: News and Politics

Hi Folks:

As you know, my first book (The End Times Passover, An Etymological Challenge to Millenarian Doctrines) has been on sale for several months. What you didn't know was that my original manuscript was published into two books, due to the length. I'm proud to announce that the 2nd portion went on sale today. That book is entitled "Why Christians Will Suffer Great Tribulation, the sequel to The End Times Passover."

While the 1st book is selling at $24.95, you can purchase the 2nd book directly from my publisher for only $9.90. Actually, the 2nd book is more profound than the 1st. The reason is that while the 1st book demystified the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, the 2nd one presents biblical information that proves Christians will suffer great tribulation, and shows you the reasons why.

Cut and paste the address below and place it on your browser and order your copy today; and tell a friend!

In His Peace!

Joe Ortiz

you haven't bought (or seen information about) my 1st book, you can cut and paste the address below to get a discounted copy of the 1st book as well.

Love Ya!

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