Dear Friends and visitors:
We are proud to announce that my book, The End Times Passover, has finally been published and is now available online by clicking on the following link.
This link will connect you directly to Author House where you can purchase the online version for $14.95. In order to get the paperback version ($24.95), you need to go directly to your bookstore, or inquire from any book dealers online (, Barnes & Nobles, etc.) to make a purchase. If they don't have it on their book shelves yet, just give them the name of the book and the author (me) and they will order it for you.
Author House is currently developing a major publicity campaign to be launched before Thanksgiving, which will provide the book national (and world wide) exposure.
We have provided the book for free on our official web site since May 2004, for almost two and a half years. Now, however, due to publisher constraints, it would not be fair to publicize the book is on sale and still provide it for free to our web site members. We understand the fairness behind this rationale.
I'm extrememly excited that this route we took will provide so many more people the opportunity to not only buy the book, but become aware of information that has been available solely to our members. If you believe like we do - that there will be no secret escape to heaven, but rather Christians will suffer much tribulation - then we must warn as many Christians as possible to make them aware of their need to come closer to God for His protection, with what we call The End Times Passover!
Please feel free to share this information with all of your friends.
In His Peace,
Joe Ortiz

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