It is with great joy and optimism (and a certain degree of sadness) that we announce that I have entered into an agreement with Author House to publish The End Times Passover.
I have agonized much in making the decision to publish The End Times Passover with a tradional publishing house, because I believe that the Gospel should be free to everyone, and also because I wrote this book not to make any profit but to inform as many Christians as possible that there will be no Pre-Tribulation Rapture. This is the main reason why we were giving the book away for free from our End Times Passover website.
However, I also realized that by publishing the book with a traditional publisher, they would have greater and many more tools to advertise and distribute the book to a much larger audience than is found on our web site.
The marketing campaign will begin in about a month; therefore, we are offering folks a chance to still download the book for free by going directly to Bill Somer's web site located at
We are grateful to Bill Somers for hosting the URL to access our book; those who choose to download the copy he has on his site however will not obtain the latest manuscript, which went through about six months more of agonizing editing to get it as grammatically correct as is the most recent version. Nevertheless, we give praise to Bill Somers for his tremendous editing and hosting efforts.
Once the book is out, we will be promoting several campaigns to give out complimentary copies of the book personally autographed by myself.
We wish to give great and tremendous thanks to all of our members for making our web site the number one site on that special web ring, and for referring your friends to this site.
More importantly, we thank you all for your support and commitment to learn more in depth the plan that God has for His children of promise, and to bring others closer to Christ.
In His Peace,
Joe Ortiz
If you are interested in publishing your work, please contact Author House. They are great people to work with and do professional work. Check them out by clicking on the banner below: