Monday, May 30, 2016


     Noisy pretribs can sure be quiet when they want to sell another book or video.
     Take the famous "rapture" passages in I Thess. 4-5 and I Cor. 15.
     Pretribs endlessly see an "any-moment rapture" in I Thess. 4 and paint it in glowing pretrib colors. But the same Paul in the same book ties together the "times and seasons" (5:1) of the rapture (4:17) with the "sudden destruction" (5:3) part of the (posttrib) "day of the Lord" (5:2) - which doesn't have even a hint of pretrib coloring!
     (The "day of the Lord" is posttrib because the posttrib sun/moon darkening happens BEFORE that "day" - see Joel 2:31 and Acts 2:20.)
     And can you guess what's in the rapturous I Cor. 15 that pretrib teachers love to cover up? They screech to a stop at "twinkling of an eye" and "last trump" and then omit telling that what is "changed" (vss. 51-2) is tied to the end of death (vs. 54). (Trib death ends when the posttrib arrival of the Victor over death ends trib death!)
     Ready for more? Look at Acts 2:34-35, Acts 3:21, and II Thess.1:6-10. Christ stays in heaven UNTIL it's time to come to earth to destroy His wicked foes and restore "all things" and give "rest" to His followers! 
     If pretribism can easily skip over Scripture, wait till you see how they cover up their own history which was never a part of Christian theology or any organized church before 1830!
     Throughout most of the 1900s, leading Christian scholars assumed - while influenced by those who were repeating and not researching - that John Darby of the Brethren had fathered the pretrib rapture view in the 1830s. No scholar had ever found any clear public teaching of pretrib in the centuries preceding Darby. Even the late Dr. John Walvoord, the longtime No. 1 pretrib authority and head of Dallas Theological Seminary, had stated in his book "The Rapture Question" that Darby (who admitted in print that pretrib was then a totally "new" doctrine!) had been one of the "early pretribulationists"!
     My books, from the 1970s to the present time, have provided long forgotten and newly uncovered evidence (endorsed by many eminent scholars) that Darby furtively plagiarized British pastor Edward Irving and his followers, all of whom had credited a young Scottish woman with the initial pretrib "spark"!
     Trying to distance themselves from the scandals associated with the earliest pretrib developers and promoters of the 1830s, today's pretrib defenders have been desperately trying to find anyone before 1830 who seemed to have at least a hint of pretrib in their writings. Today's desperados can even "find" pretrib in Old Testament passages that tell about folks merely "escaping" trouble, or "find" pretrib in folks being raptured before an endtime "conflagration" in an obvious posttrib setting!
     Two historical figures of the past that present-day pretrib promoters have tried to put revisionist pretrib make-up on are Pseudo-Ephraem (8th cent. ?) and Rev. Morgan Edwards (whose quoted sermon is dated 1788).
     To see the hatchet job on Pseudo-Ephraem, Google "Pseudo-Ephraem Taught Pretrib - Not" and "Chuck Missler - Copyist" (and catch deceitful censors at work). 
     For the complete skinny on Morgan Edwards, Google "Morgan Edwards' Rapture View" (and find out what Thomas Ice etc. knew they couldn't hide forever).
     For $15.00 and a smile you can get my 300-page book "The Rapture Plot" (the most accurate and detailed book on pretribism's sordid history) by phoning 800.643.4645. If you have just a smile, you can borrow it via inter-library loan at any library.
     For in-depth theology and what the Greek New Testament is really saying when it comes to Bible prophecy, see Joe Ortiz' two superb books "The End Times Passover" and "Why Christians Will Suffer 'Great Tribulation.' "
Dave MacPherson. What People are saying
What They Are Saying About ... THE RAPTURE PLOT!             

Gary DeMar (President American Vision): "A majority of prophecy writers and speakers teach that the church will be raptured before a future tribulational period. But did you know that prior to about 1830 no such doctrine existed. No one in all of church history ever taught pretribulational rapture. Dave MacPherson does the work of a journalistic private investigator to uncover the truth....The Rapture Plot is the never-before-told true story of the plot - how plagiarism and subtle document changes created the 'mother of all revisionisms.' A fascinating piece of detective work." Robert H. Gundry (Professor Westmont College): "As usual MacPherson out hustles his opponents in research on primary sources. C. S. Lovett (President Personal Christianity): You don't read very much of Dave MacPherson's work before you realize he is a dedicated researcher. Because his work has been so honest and open his latest work The Rapture Plot has produced many red faces among some of the most recognized rapture writers of our time. When their work is compared to his it is embarrassing for them to see how shallow their research is." R. J. Rushdoony (President Chalcedon): "Dave MacPherson has been responsible for major change in the eschatology of evangelical churches by his devastating studies of some of the central aspects thereof. In The Rapture Plot MacPherson tells us of the strange tale of 'rapture' writings, revisions, cover-ups, alterations and confusions. No one has equaled MacPherson in his research on the 'pretrib rapture.' Attempts to discredit his work have failed...."

About the Author: Born 1932 of Scotch/English descent Dave MacPherson is a natural for British historical research. His calling was journalism. Receiving a BA in English in 1955 he spent 26 years as a newsman reporting and filming many notable events persons presidents and dignitaries.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


     Hal (Harold Lee) Lindsey, a rapturous prophet without a single rapture so far, keeps rapturizing  (sic) through his Hal Lindsey Report even in his upper eighties.
     And he's still seen by some as an expert on dating as long as certain facts remain hidden.
     Hal's flirting with dates came out in the open in his 1970 mega-seller "The Late Great Planet Earth."
     Many still don't know that his "Late Great" (which blended in science-fiction and the occult, including pyramidology, with scripture!) came out on the heels of Curt Gentry's 1968 science-fiction thriller about an earthquake devastating all of the Golden State. Curt's title: "The Last Days of the Late, Great State of California."
     My book "The Three R's" quoted the late (and truly great) British scholar F. F. Bruce who referred to "the influence of Hal Lindsey and his religious 'science-fiction' (more fiction than science)."
     Hal's "Late Great" (p. 54) stated that "a generation in the Bible is something like forty years." He then said that "within forty years or so of 1948 [the birth of Israel], all these things could take place." 
     In short, Hal made many think that the second coming to earth could occur in 1988 and that the rapture - seven years earlier - could take place in 1981.
     Hal psyched up his readers to warmly embrace his 1981 date by issuing The Terminal Generation  (1976) and "The 1980's: Countdown to Armageddon" (1980) - and the 1981 pretrib rapture date became even more attractive when compared with the horrible, city-smashing lineup of planets called "The Jupiter Effect" which Hal repeatedly claimed would happen the following year in 1982 and could help to bring on the great tribulation!
     Since these fizzles, date-setter Hal has seemingly divorced himself from specific predictions and relied basically on "the rapture is imminent" statements.
     I have a suggestion. Some have declared that a Biblical generation can be 70 years long. Since 2018 is 70 years after 1948, Hal could continue to hold the hand of the Goddess of Mammon and with his other hand quickly write a book focusing on a 70-year generation and add another million to his estimated net worth of 15 million dollars (according to online site ""). Also Google "Hal Lindsey's personal life (Wikipedia)."
     My books have long covered Lindsey and I discuss him on 16 pages in my most important work on pretrib rapture history, my 300-page book "The Rapture Plot."
     For some other info about Hal, Google "Pretrib Hypocrisy," "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty," "Pretrib Rapture Secrecy?," "Hal Lindsey's Pretrib Rapture Proof," and "Evangelicals Use Occult Deception." 
     Finally, let me end this composition by saying that I don't care a fig for date-setters!
     I am happy to recommend two excellent scholarly and readable books by my good friend Joe Ortiz which thoroughly demolish Lindsey's arguments for a pretrib rapture, namely, "The End Times Passover" and "Why Christians Will Suffer 'Great Tribulation.' "

Dave MacPherson. What People are saying
What They Are Saying About ... THE RAPTURE PLOT!                                                                           
Gary DeMar (President American Vision): "A majority of prophecy writers and speakers teach that the church will be raptured before a future tribulational period. But did you know that prior to about 1830 no such doctrine existed. No one in all of church history ever taught pretribulational rapture. Dave MacPherson does the work of a journalistic private investigator to uncover the truth....The Rapture Plot is the never-before-told true story of the plot - how plagiarism and subtle document changes created the 'mother of all revisionisms.' A fascinating piece of detective work." Robert H. Gundry (Professor Westmont College): "As usual MacPherson out hustles his opponents in research on primary sources. C. S. Lovett (President Personal Christianity): You don't read very much of Dave MacPherson's work before you realize he is a dedicated researcher. Because his work has been so honest and open his latest work The Rapture Plot has produced many red faces among some of the most recognized rapture writers of our time. When their work is compared to his it is embarrassing for them to see how shallow their research is." R. J. Rushdoony (President Chalcedon): "Dave MacPherson has been responsible for major change in the eschatology of evangelical churches by his devastating studies of some of the central aspects thereof. In The Rapture Plot MacPherson tells us of the strange tale of 'rapture' writings, revisions, cover-ups, alterations and confusions. No one has equaled MacPherson in his research on the 'pretrib rapture.' Attempts to discredit his work have failed...."

About the Author: Born 1932 of Scotch/English descent Dave MacPherson is a natural for British historical research. His calling was journalism. Receiving a BA in English in 1955 he spent 26 years as a newsman reporting and filming many notable events persons presidents and dignitaries.

"The New World Order" - Fact or Fiction?

Eyes Wide Open

The information provided is from books and pamphlets and news articles already published, so this is nothing original except that it is a list of New World Order quotations listed chronologically. Also provided are the sources for verification.

    When Pres Bush (Sr) started using the term during his administration, one was led to believe that he or his advisor made up the term.
    "One August 1989 morning in Kennebunkport, Maine, Pres Bush (Sr) took his national security adviser, Brent Scowcroft, for a ride on the presidential speed boat, Fidelity. Four hours later, the president came ashore with a ringing slogan that Scowcroft had offered: "The New World Order" Ever since, the goal of a "new world order" has been the theme of Bush's Foreign policy pronouncements.---- LA Times Feb 24, 1991
    But this term has actually been used for generations by individuals seeking one-world socialist rule.
    Here are many references to the term (not a complete study) that refute any claim that it originated with Bush and also prove that it is a well-used term over many decades to indicate that it meant a socialist world government. Also included are some other references that are pertinent.
    1915 - Nov 27, Columbia University president Nicholas Murray Butler (on the executive committee of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) delivered an address, "A New World Order is Being Born" to the Union League of Philadelphia in which he stated:   "The old world order changed when this war storm broke--the old world order died with the setting of the day's sun and a New World Order is being born while I speak."
    1918 - Charles R. Van Hise, Pres. University of Wisconsin, delivers an address to the Wisconsin State Convention of The League to Enforce Peace. The title of the address is:     "The Foundation of a New World Order" in which he says: "The world has become one body, and no great member of it can proceed independently of the other members. They must act together; and this is possible only through formal treaty covenants."
    1919 - The January edition of International Conciliation (connected with the Carnegie organization) focuses upon "A League of Nations." A cover letter sent, with this edition of the journal, begins with these words: "The peace conference has assembled. It will make the most momentous decisions in history, and upon these decisions will rest the stability of the new world order and the future peace of the world."
    1919 - A book entitled The New World Order by Samuel Zane Batten is published by the American Baptist Publication Society. In this book, Batten declares: "The old order passes from view, the new world rises upon our vision....We have vindicated the right of social control.....There must be developed a national spirit of service....Society must break the stranglehold of capitalism....The natural resources of the nation must be socialized....The state must socialize every group....Men must learn to have a world patriotism. World patriotism must be a faith....There is no more justice for the claim of absolute sovereignty on the part of a nation than on the part of an individual....The only alternative is World Federation....with a world parliament, and international court, and an international police force....Men must have an international mind before there can be a world federation.
    1920 - A book entitled The New World Order (International Organization, International Law, International Cooperation) by Frederick Charles Hicks Doubleday 1920. He is law librarian of Columbia University, and in this book he suggests that among the most powerful few of the Great Powers, the example must be set to "cooperate, here and there, piece by piece, in limiting the exercise of their sovereign rights."
    1927 - The Christian Science Monitor (August 8) quoted from an address to the World Federation of Education Associations (WFEA) by Dr. Augustus Thomas (commissioner of education for Maine) at their Toronto congress: "If there are those who think we are to jump immediately into a new world order, actuated by complete understanding and brotherly love, they are doomed to disappointment." He says the world must go through a long process of education"...until the cobwebs of the old order are brushed out of the minds of the people of all lands."
    1928 - A book entitled The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution by socialist H. G. Wells is published. He declares that "...The political world of the Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate and supersede existing governments....The Open Conspiracy is the natural inheritor of socialist and communist enthusiasms, it may be in control of Moscow before it is in control of New York...."
    1931 - Historian Arnold Toynbee delivers a speech to the Institute for the Study of International Affairs at Copenhagen in which he explains: "We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. All the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands, because to impugn the sovereignty of the local nation states of the world is still a heresy for which a statesman or publicist can perhaps not quite be burned at the stake but certainly be ostracized or discredited." --International Affairs (journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, i.e. the British version of the Council on Foreign Relations) Nov 1931, "The Trend of International Affairs Wince the War"
    1934 - Experiment In Autobiography by H. G. Wells is published in which he states:"The organization of this that I call the Open Conspiracy....which will ultimately supply teaching, coercive and directive public services to the whole world, is the immediate task before all rationale people...A planned world-state is appearing at a thousand points....Plans for political synthesis seem to grow bolder and more extensive....There must be a common faith and law for mankind....The main battle is an educational battle.
    1940 - A book entitled, The New World Order by H.G. Wells, in which Wells claims: "It is the system of nationalist individualism that has to go....We are living in the end of the sovereign states....In the great struggle to evoke a Westernized World Socialism, contemporary governments may vanish....Countless people...will hate the new world order....and will die protesting against it."
    1940 - A Book World Order (Civitas Dei) by Lionel Curtis is published. This 985 page volume will be called the foundation of all thought on the design of a new order. It examines human society and concludes that a working system must mean the organization of all human society into one commonwealth.
    1942 - In The Philadelphia Inquirer (June 18), reporter William Murphy, Jr. wrote that on June 17, "Undersecretary of State, Sumner Welles called for the early creation of an international organization....the setting up of a new world order on a permanent basis."
    1948 - July: The CFR's Foreign Affairs publishes "A New World Takes Shape" by Sir Harold Butler in which he asks: "How far can the life of nations, which for centuries have thought of themselves as distinct and unique, be merged with the life of other nations? How far are they prepared to sacrifice a part of their sovereignty without which there can be no effective economic or political union?....Out of the prevailing confusion a new world is taking shape...which may point the way toward the new order."
    1948 - UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy by Fabian Socialist Sir Julian Huxley is published in which he proclaims that UNESCO "...In its education program it can stress the ultimate need for world political unity and familiarize all peoples with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organization..."
    1949 - April: United Nations World magazine publishes an article by Ambassador Warren Austin, chief of the U.S. Mission to the UN, in which he pronounces that "....World government could not be accepted without radical change of national outlook.... It will take a long time to prepare peoples and governments of most nations for acceptance of and participation in a world government....If we expect this future world government to be created by agreement and not by force or conquest, we will have to be willing to work patiently until peoples or governments are ready for it....
    1949 - Towards World Understanding, vol. V, is published by UNESCO, and in this volume one reads: "As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can produce only rather precarious results....For the moment, it is sufficient to note that it is most frequently in the family that the children are infected with nationalism by hearing what is national extolled and what is foreign disparaged....The activity of the school cannot bring about the desired result unless, repudiating every form of nationalism..."
    1949 - The New World Order by communist Scott Nearing is published, in which he projects that "the one world of technology must become one world also economically and politically....Such objectives will be achieved most easily through a science of social engineering."
    1951 - July 24: The Chicago Tribune publishes a front page news article titled " 'Global' Flag Gen. Ike's Aim, Says Senator," which begins with the words: "Gen. Eisenhower is working for an allied army under a single flag, uniform, and command to defend Western Europe, senators reported today on their return from an overseas inspection trip."
    1951 - July 31: The Chicago Tribune publishes an article, "OWI (office of war information) Propaganda machine Linked to Rhodes (Rhodes scholars) Men," stating: "Those who absorbed the Elmer Davis (Rhodes scholar and head of OWI), Office of War Information training have pushed the British concept of policing the world with American soldiers and economic aid and have fought for a world federation under which the United States would surrender its sovereignty." About 40 years later, American soldiers will be stationed in many nations around the world as part of UN peacekeeping missions.
    1953 - The Impact of Science on Society by Fabian Socialist Bertrand Russell is published in which he declares: " I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology....Various results will soon be arrived at: that the influence of home is obstructive....although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen....Educational propaganda, with government help, could achieve this result in a generation. There are, however, two powerful forces opposed to such a policy: one is religion; the other is nationalism....A scientific world society cannot be stable unless there is a world government.
    1958 - In Arthur Schlesinger Jr.'s “The Coming of the New Deal” he quotes Machiavelli at the front of the book saying, "There is nothing...more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things." And at the end of the book, he quotes Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells describing FDR as: "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order....He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."
    1959 - The West in Crisis by James Warburg is published, in which he proclaims that: "...a world order without world law is an anachronism....A world which fails to establish the rule of law over the nation-states cannot long continue to exist. We are living in a perilous period of transition from the era of the fully sovereign nation-state to the era of world government." James Warburg is a CFR member and founder of United World Federalists. He is also the son of Paul Warburg, an architect of the Federal Reserve.
    1960 - The United States in the World Arena by Walt Rostow (CFR) is published. In the book he declares: "It is a legitimate American objective to see removed from all nations--including the United States--the right to use substantial military force to pursue their own interest. Since this residual right is the root of national sovereignty and the basis for the existence of an international arena of power, it is, therefore, an American interest to see an end to nationhood as it had been historically defined."
    1961 - Sept, State Department document 7277 titled, "Freedom From War: The U.S. Program for General and Complete disarmament in a Peaceful World" is published. President Kennedy delivers this to the UN on Sept 25. This document provides that the United States will disarm along with other countries so that the UN becomes the unchallengeable World power....disarmament "would proceed to a point where no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened UN Peace Force." This transition is still going on today...
    1962 - March 10 State Department Study Memorandum No. 7, "A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations, "written by CFR member Lincoln Bloomfield, in which he states: "A world effectively controlled by the United Nations is one in which "world government" would come about through the establishment of supranational institutions, characterized by mandatory universal membership and some ability to employ physical force.... (But) if the communist dynamic was greatly abated, the West might lose whatever incentive it has for world government." It looks as if now the "communist menace" has been replaced by the "terrorist menace". And of course they can switch back to the communist menace or any other kind of menace whenever they want to.
    1962 - A lecture given by CFR member Nelson Rockefeller at Harvard University in which he says that there is"...a new and free order struggling to be born.... (There is a) fever of nationalism.... (but) the nation-state is becoming less and less competent to perform its international political tasks....These are some of the reasons pressing us to lead vigorously toward the true building of a new world order.... (with) voluntary service...Sooner perhaps than we may realize,....there will evolve the bases for a federal structure of the free world."
    1967 - March 26: Pope Paul VI writes Populorum Progressio and states: "Who can fail to see the need and importance of thus gradually coming to the establishment of a world authority capable of taking effective action on the juridical and political planes? Delegates to international organizations, public officials, gentlemen of the press, teachers and educators--all of you must realize that you have your part to play in the construction of a new world order.
    1967 - Richard Nixon writing in The CFR periodical Foreign Affairs Oct 1967 "....and to evolve regional approaches to development needs and to the evolution of a new world order."
    1968 - The Subtle and Leisurely Penetration, a reference report from the George Mason School of Correspondence, is published by Education Information, Inc., of Sacramento, CA. It mentions that the thirty-two Americans to be Rhodes Scholars this year have been selected, and then states: "The stated objectives of Cecil John Rhodes and his friend, Sir Andrew Carnegie, included the reduction of the United States to a colony of the New World Order."
    1968 - October: In this edition of the CFR's Foreign Affairs is an article, "Asia After Vietnam," by Richard Nixon (CFR member 1961-1965), in which he writes of nations' disposition "to evolve regional approaches to development needs and to the evolution of a new world order."
    1968 - Gov Nelson Rockefeller from Deseret News July 26,1968, Salt Lake City, Utah, page 2A...."New York Gov Nelson A. Rockefeller says as president he would work toward international creation of "a new world order...."
    1970 - Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era by Zbigniew Brzezinski is published. He is a CFR member who will become the first director of the Trilateral Commission and President Carter's national security advisor. In August 2007, Brzezinski endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. In this book he states: "Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision. Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief.....Human beings become increasingly manipulable and malleable...Today we are again witnessing the emergence of transnational elites....whose ties cut across national boundaries....The nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty....Further progress will require greater American sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken.
    1971 - Richard Nixon (CFR) quoted by James Reston (CFR) in Boston Herald Traveller May 21 ...”Aside from politics, Nixon would obviously like to preside over the creation of a new world order ...”
    1972 - Pres Nixon's speech giving in Peking from UPI 2-25-72...."and the hope that each of us has to build a new world order....."
    SELECTED WARNINGS ABOUT A 'NEW WORLD ORDER' from the founder of The John Birch Society, Robert Welch, and published in the Society's Bulletin:
1972 - May, page 10 "Or, as fellow Insider Mr. James Reston of the New York Times enthusiastically puts it, deliberately using the two-hundred years old language and slogan of the Conspiracy -- 'Mr. Nixon cannot become the head of a new world order (Novus Ordo Seclorum) unless the Communist nations are brought into the world order....' "
    1972 - Sept, page 29 "This plan is to establish -- very soon -- the first stages of a 'new world order.' This will be the novus ordo seclorum for which a self-perpetuating inner circle of Conspirators has been working and scheming relentlessly during some six generations...."
    1972 - Oct, page 28 "There should be no surprise for longtime readers of the Bulletin....that those plans include the conversion of the United States into a socialist nation....and the merger of that enslaved segment of mankind with other Communist nations into a New World Order. That goal, under that very name -- originally written in bastardized Latin as novus ordo seclorum -- has been envisioned by a Master Conspiracy for the past two hundred years as the ultimate product of all its crimes against humanity, and of all its subversive onslaughts against western civilization."
    1973 - August 10: The New York Times publishes "From a China Traveller" by David Rockefeller, who writes about Communist China: "One is impressed immediately by the sense of national harmony....There is a very real and pervasive dedication to chairman Mao and Maoist principles. Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community purpose. General social and economic progress is no less impressive....The enormous social advances of China have benefited greatly from the singleness of ideology and purpose....The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in history."
    1974 - Richard N. Gardner writing in Foreign Affairs (CFR) April 1974 Article entitled The Hard Road to World Order, "In short, the "house of world order: will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great "booming, buzzing confusion," .......but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."
    1975 - James Reston Sunday Herald Advertiser, Boston Aug 3,1975......"the spirit of Glassboro under President Johnson was that the big powers should forget the past and work together for a new world order...."
    1975 - A Declaration of INTERdependence by Henry Steele Commager Oct 24,1975......."Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation; now we must join with others to bring forth a new world order..."
    1976 - The Freeman Digest (Jan 79) will publish an interview with Joseph Slater, president of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, in which he will respond to the question about "the new world order" as follows: "Whatever system is constructed, many people feel that the new global community will be monolithic; that is why the words "new world order" tend to connote a sort of 1984 Orwellian kind of notion where there is some master system...."
    1977 - The Third Try at World Order by Harlan Cleveland, CFR member is published. He calls for "changing Americans' attitudes and institutions"; for "complete disarmament (except for international soldiers)"; for "fairer distribution of worldly goods through a new International Economic Order"; and for "international standard for individual entitlement to food, health and education."
    1977 - July: The Atlantic Monthly publishes "The Trilateral Connection" by former Washington Post columnist Jeremiah Novak, in which he states: "For the third time in this century, a group of American scholars, businessmen, and government officials is planning to fashion a New World Order."
    1979 - Fidel Castro, Associated Press Oct 12 1979 at the United Nations. "Fidel Castro finger waving in the air and angry fist thumping the lectern, demanded a "new world order" and dressed down the United States today for "aggressive" and "exploitative" policies around the world."
    1982 - "Just as there must come a new world economic order, there must come a new world communication order.....It will take time, but it must come. "Christian Century April 14, 1982 p. 442, by William F. Fore.
    1986 - Regarding "the establishment" of which George Bush was a member, a book was written about some of its leaders and was titled The Wise Men (1986). It was co-authored by Rhodes Scholar, CFR member, and a Time editor, Walter isaacson, who described how 6 leaders "shaped a new world order," were internationalists, and had a "common outlook. " One of them, Chip Bohlen, was quoted as saying about socialism: "maybe that is the road we ought to go down." Also in the book one reads that Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. in 1965 wrote: "The New York financial and legal community was the heart of the American establishment....its front organizations, the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations and the Council on Foreign Relations."
    1988 - George Bush would run for the presidency of the United States in 1988, and on Feb 10, The Washington Post quoted David Rockefeller as remarking that "He's (Bush) one of us ('the establishment')....If he were president, he would be in a better position than anyone else to pull together the people in the country who believe that we are in fact living in one world and have to act that way."
    1988 - Mikhail Gorbachev speaking at UN , The Boston Globe Dec 8 1988 "....He called for a "new world order" founded not on force but on dialogue......."
    1989 - President Bush gave the commencement address at Texas A & M University on May 12, he which he stated "Ultimately, our objective is to welcome the Soviet Union back into the world order....Perhaps the world order of the future will truly be a family of nations." --Arizona Daily Star, May 12.
    1990 - Mikhail Gorbachev quoted in Washington Post Feb 25 1990 "...A new world order is taking shape so fast that governments are well as private citizens find it difficult just to absorb the gallop of events....."
    1990 - Mikhail Gorbachev speaking at Stanford University quoted by Sentinel wire services Jun 5 1990, "Saying the world should not debate who won the Cold War, Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev called Monday for the United states and Soviet Union to be partners in building "a new world order"...."Tolerance is the alpha and omega of a new world order"....
    1991 - May 18 Valley Times, Pleasanton, CA an article entitled "Shevardnadze touts U.N.", staff writer Jeanie R. Wakeland writes about a speech in San Francisco sponsored by the World Affairs Council: "Shevardnadze said the United nations cannot do anything if its decisions aren't carried out by all members. Nations can be made to feel they 'lose' if they go against a U.N. position, Shevardnadze said. 'If we can rely on the (U.N.) position, we can build on this for a new world order."
    1991 - Associated Press June 6, Oslo, Norway: "Mikhail Gorbachev said yesterday in his Nobel Peace lecture that Western failure to heed his call for economic aid could dash hopes for a peaceful new world order.....'To me, it is self-evident that if Soviet perestroika succeeds, there will be a real chance of building a new world order.' "
President Bush (SR) quotes on new world order and United nations:

"Time and again in this century, the political map of the world was transformed. And in each instance, a new world order came about through the advent of a new tyrant or the outbreak of a bloody global war, or its end. " Feb 28, 1990---this quote is six months before Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in August.

"Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective--a new world order- - can emerge......We are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders." -- Sept 11 1990

    President Bush delivers an address to Congress titled "Toward a New World Order," regarding the crisis in the Persian Gulf after Iraq invaded Kuwait in August. He will follow this with and October 1st address to the U.N., in which he will speak of the "collective strength of the world community expressed by the U.N....a historic movement towards a new world order."
    "I think what's at stake here is the new world order....a reinvigorated United Nations." -Jan 7 1991

"(The Gulf crisis) has to do with a new world order. And that world order is only going to be enhanced if this newly activated peacekeeping function of the United nations proves to be effective." -Jan 9 1991
    "When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use it's peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders." -Jan 16 1991
A quote from an invitation sent to Republican contributors throughout the United Stated in     
May 1991: "Now, our President faces greater tasks. And he must have help from like-minded men and women in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate who can help him establish the "new world order" he seeks."
    1992 - July 20 Time magazine published "The Birth of the Global Nation" by Strobe Talbott (Rhodes scholar roommate of Bill Clinton at Oxford University, CFR director, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace board of directors member, and Trilateralist from a wealthy Ohio investment banking family), in which he writes: All countries are basically social arrangements....No matter how permanent or even sacred they may seem at any one time, in fact they are all artificial and temporary....Perhaps national sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all....But it has taken the events in our own wondrous and terrible century to clinch the case for world government."
    1992 - August 26: The New York Times publishes "The World Needs an Army on Call" by U.S. Senator David Boren (Rhodes Scholar 1963, CFR member, and member of "Skull and Bones") in which he states: "In the aftermath of World WarII, President Truman wanted to empower the United Nations to create a new world order....Richard Gardner proposes that forty to fifty member nations contribute to a rapid-deployment force of one hundred thousand volunteers that could train under common leadership....It is time for us to create such a force....The existence of such a force would go a long way toward making the "new world order" more than just a slogan."
    1993 - Jan 13: Confirmation hearings are held for CFR member Warren Christopher's nomination to be Secretary of State. He and Senator Joseph Biden discuss the possibility of NATO becoming a peacekeeping surrogate for the U.N. "to foster the creation of a new world order." That is just what happened in Bosnia.
    1993 - April 21: General Colin Powell receives the United Nations Association-USA's Global Leadership Award, and he remarks: "The United Nations will spearhead our efforts to manage the new conflicts (that afflict our world)....Yes the principles of the United Nations Charter are worth our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."!!!!!?????
    1993 - May 4: New CFR president Leslie Gelb (formerly an editor at The New York Times) says on "The Charlie Rose Show" that " (Charlie Rose) had me on (before) to talk about the new world order....I talk about it all the time....It's one world now...."
    1993 - June 22. In case there is any doubt about whether President Clinton (CFR) supports world government, on this date he signs a letter to the World Federalist Association congratulating Strobe Talbott (CFR) on receiving (june 24) the WFA's first "Norman Cousins Global Governance Award." The WFA is a leading force for world federal government. Clinton's letter states: "Norman Cousins worked for world peace and world government...Strobe Talbott's lifetime achievements as a voice for global harmony have earned him this recognition....He will be a worthy recipient of the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award. Best wishes....for future success."
    1993 - July 18: CFR member and Trilateralist Henry Kissinger writes in The Los Angeles Times concerning NAFTA: "What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system....a first step toward a new world order."
    1993 - September 9: Concerning whether U.S. troops should remain in Somalia as part of a U.N. operation, General Colin Powell, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says that a pullout would be "devastating to our hopes for the new world order and our ability to participate in multinational organizations to deal with problems like this."
    1993 - W. Scott Thompson (Rhodes Scholar 1963-66) writes "Conflict and Conflict Resolution: On to the Twenty-First Century" for the federal United Stated Institute of Peace, of which he is a board member appointed by President Reagan in 1986. In this article, Thompson writes about "a positive factor: the greater reliance on (and opportunity for) the United Nations to resolve perennial conflicts....In addition to a strengthened U.N., a New World Order requires understandings and divisions of labor among like-minded friends across the globe."
    1994 - World Federalist Association will publish The Genius of Federation: Why World Federation Is the Answer to Global Problems, which will state: "Let the U.N. establish new agencies such as an International Criminal Court....National sovereignty would be gradually eroded until it is no longer an issue. Eventually a world federation can be formally adopted with little resistance."
    1994 - April 14: Americans are killed as a result of a "friendly fire" attack while patrolling over Iraq, and Vice-President Al Gore will refer to them as "those who died in the service of the United Nations." !!!!!?????
    1994 - May 3: President Clinton signs Presidential Decision Directive 25, which strengthens the U.N. and describes how American soldiers will serve under foreign commanders. PDD25 will only be released to top administration officials and a few member of Congress, the general public is refused access.
    1994 - the McAlvany Intelligence Advisor March 1995 quotes Vladimir Zhirinovsky on Nov 9 at a press conference at the U.N. said, "There has long been a hidden agenda to merge America and Russia under the New World Order."
    1995 - Jan 27: Billionaire financier George Soros at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, says the world needs a "new world order," and he further warns: "I am here to alert you that we are entering a period of world disorder."
    1995 - July/August: In the CFR's Foreign Affairs, prominent CFR member Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. exclaims: "We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money."
    1995 - The report, "Our Global Neighborhood," by The Commission on Global Governance (partly funded by the U.N. Development Program and endorsed by the U.N. Secretary-General) is released, and states: "A new world order must be organized....Global governance is the way we manage global affairs....nations have to accept that in certain fields, sovereignty has to be exercised collectively....We need to accept that there may be circumstances within countries when the security of people is so severely violated that external intervention becomes justified. We propose that the U.N. Charter be amended to permit intervention in such circumstances....We believe that there is a need for a highly trained U.N. Volunteer (military) Force....Accelerated progress must be made toward demilitarizing the international society...We strongly endorse community initiatives to ...encourage the disarming of civilians....
    1996 - Jan 24: U.S. Army Specialist Michael New is convicted at a court-martial on a charge of refusing an order to wear a U.N. insignia.
    1996 - A Reporter's Life by Walter Cronkite is published, in which he proclaims: " if we are to avoid catastrophe, a system of world order- - preferably a system of world government -- is mandatory. The proud nations someday will ....yield up their precious sovereignty."
    1996 - May 11 Journalist Joan Veon interviews David C. Korten, author of When Corporations Rule the World (1995) and former Ford Foundation project specialist in Manila. In this interview, Korten claims that: "the World Trade Organization is creating a world government in which one organization which is totally unelected, wholly secretive....with the power to virtually override and local or national laws if those in any way inconvenience global corporations....It was a terrible shock (to those of us who supported Bill Clinton) when Clinton came in and GATT and NAFTA became the centerpieces of his policy....And in a sense, there was almost a seamless transition from President Bush to President Clinton in that regard....Our democracy has been rendered meaningless by big money. The truth is there are politicians (who) are owned lock, stock and barrel by the big money interests....Our elections create, to some extent, a facade of choice."
    1996 - October 23: On "The Charlie Rose Show" on the Public Broadcasting System, Mikhail Gorbachev states: "We are part of the Cosmos. Cosmos is my God. Nature is my God....The future society will be a totally new civilization which will synthesize the experience of Socialism and Capitalism...."
    1998 - May 5: The New York Times publishes "The New World Order" by A. M. Rosenthal, in which he writes: "The U.S., its democratic allies and major dictatorships are rapidly building a new world order....The U.S. gets to sell strategic material to China, offering as an extra a visit by the U.S. President to honor the Communist leaders and expand their power and political life span. Religious and political mavericks in the totalitarian partners of the new world order get prison, or death, often both. The press of the democracies gets to write about the growth of order in the new order. Other citizens of the democracies get to say costs of imported goods are down, how nice. Americans and Europeans may come to object for political or moral reasons, or because the new world order may after all cost
    2001 - "There is a chance for the President of the United States to use this (9-11) disaster to carry out ... a new world order." (Gary Hart, at a televised meting organized by the CFR in Washington, D.C. Sept 14.)
    Need I go on?
    Source the information above for yourself, read the books, documents and other publications.
    It will then become quite plain that the "New World Order" is not fictional, and is indeed a very real complex agenda for total world control based on a socialist system fueled by Luciferianism. (But as for the religious/philosophical aspect, I will have to go into another writing, as it is well beyond the scope of this dissertation.)

Saturday, May 14, 2016


When I began my research in 1970 into the exact beginnings of the pretribulation rapture belief still held by many evangelicals, I assumed that the rapture debate involved only "godly scholars with honest differences." The paper you are now reading reveals why I gave up that assumption many years ago. With this introduction-of-sorts in mind, let's take a long look at the pervasive dishonesty throughout the history of the 179-year-old pretrib rapture theory:

German scholar Max Weremchuk's work "John Nelson Darby" (1992) included what Benjamin Newton revealed about John Darby in the mid-1820's during his pre-Brethren days as an Anglican clergyman:
    "J. N. Darby was a very subtle man. He had been a lawyer, or at least educated for the law. Once he wanted his Archbishop to pursue a certain course, when he (J.N.D.) was a curate in his diocese. He wrote a letter, therefore, saying he had been educated for the law, knew what the legal course would properly be; and then having written that clearly, he mystified the remainder of the letter both in word and in handwriting, and ended up by saying: You see, my Lord, such being the legal aspect of the case it would unquestionably be the best course for you to pursue, etc. And the Archbishop couldn't make out the legal part, but rested on Darby's word and did as he advised. Darby afterwards laughed over it, and indeed he showed a copy of the letter to Tregelles. This is not mentioned in the Archbishop's biography, but in it is the fact that he spoke of Darby as 'the most subtle man in my diocese.'"
    This reminds me of an 1834 letter by Darby which spoke of the "Lord's coming." Darby added, concerning this coming, that "the thoughts are new" and that during any teaching of it "it would not be well to have it so clear." Darby's deviousness here was his usage of a centuries-old term - "Lord's coming" - to cover up his desire to sneak the new pretrib idea into existing posttrib groups in very low-profile ways!

In the spring of 1830 a young Scottish lassie, Margaret Macdonald, came up with the novel notion of a catching up [rapture] of Spirit-filled "church" members before Antichrist's "trial" [tribulation] of non-Spirit-filled "church" members - the first instance I've found of clear "pretrib" teaching (which was part of a partial rapture scheme). In Sep. 1830 "The Morning Watch" (a journal produced by London preacher Edward Irving and his "Irvingite" followers, some of whom had visited Margaret a few weeks earlier) began repeating her original thoughts and even her wording but gave her no credit - the first plagiarism I've found in pretrib history. Darby was still defending posttrib in Dec. 1830.
    Pretrib promoters have long known the significance of her main point: a rapture of "church" members BEFORE the revealing of Antichrist. Which is why John Walvoord quoted nothing in her revelation, why Thomas Ice habitually skips over her main point but quotes lines BEFORE and AFTER it, and why Hal Lindsey muddies up her main point so he can (falsely) assert that she was NOT a pretribber! (Google "X-Raying Margaret" for info about her.)
    NOTE: The development of the 1800's is thoroughly documented in my book "The Rapture Plot." You'll learn that Darby wasn't original on any chief aspect of dispensationalism (but plagiarized the Irvingites); that pretrib was initially based on only OT and NT symbols and not clear Scripture; that the symbols included the Jewish feasts, the two witnesses, and the man child - symbols adopted by Darby during most of his career; that Darby's later reminiscences exaggerated his earliest pretrib development, and that today's defenders such as Thomas Ice have further overstated what Darby overstated; that Irvingism didn't need later reminiscences to "clarify" its own early pretrib development; that ancient hymns and even the writings of the Reformers were subtly revised to make it appear they had taught pretrib; and that after Darby's death a clever revisionist quietly made many changes in early Irvingite and Brethren documents in order to steal credit for pretrib away from the Irvingites (and their female inspiration!) and give it dishonestly to Darby! (Before continuing, Google the "Powered by Christ Ministries" site and read "America's Pretrib Rapture Traffickers" - a sample of the current exciting internetism!)

Charles Trumbull's book "The Life Story of C. I. Scofield" told only the dispensationally-correct side of his life. Two recent books, Joseph Canfield's "The Incredible Scofield and His Book" (1988) and David Lutzweiler's "DispenSinsationalism: C. I. Scofield's Life and Errors" (2006), reveal the other side including his being jailed as a forger, dishonestly giving himself a non-conferred "D.D." etc. etc.!

Brethren scholar Harold Rowdon's "The Origins of the Brethren" quoted Darby associate Lord Congleton who was "disgusted with...the falseness" of Darby's accounts of things. Rowdon also quoted historian William Neatby who said that others felt that "the time-honoured method of single combat" was as good as anything "to elicit the truth" from Darby. (In other words, knock it out of him!)
Tim LaHaye's "The Beginning of the End" (1972) plagiarized Hal Lindsey's "The Late Great Planet Earth" (1970).
Charles Ryrie"s "The Living End" (1976) plagiarized Lindsey's "The Late Great Planet Earth" (1970) and "There's A New World Coming" (1973).

After John Walvoord's "The Blessed Hope and the Tribulation" (1976) brutally twisted Robert Gundry's "The Church and the Tribulation" (1973), Gundry composed and circulated a 35-page open letter to Walvoord which repeatedly charged the Dallas Seminary president with "misrepresentation," "misrepresentations" (and variations)!

"The Fundamentalist Phenomenon" (1981) by Jerry Falwell, Ed Dobson, and Ed Hindson heavily plagiarized George Dollar's 1973 book "A History of Fundamentalism in America."

After a prof at Southeastern College of the Assemblies of God in Florida told me that the No. 2 man at the AG world headquarters in Missouri - Joseph Flower - had the label of posttrib, my wife and I had two hour-long chats with him. He verified what I had been told. But we were dumbstruck when he told us that although AG ministers are required to promote pretrib, privately they can believe any other rapture view! Flower said that his father, an AG co-founder, was also posttrib. We also learned while in Springfield that when the AG's were organized in 1914, the initial group was divided between posttribs and pretribs - but that the pretribs shouted louder which resulted in that denomination officially adopting pretrib! (For details on this and other pretrib double-mindedness, Google "Pretrib Hypocrisy.")
Since 1989 Thomas Ice has referred to the "Mac-theory" (his reference to my research), giving the impression there's no solid evidence that Macdonald was the real pretrib originator. But Ice carefully conceals the fact that no eminent church historian of the 1800's - whether Plymouth Brethren or Irvingite - credited Darby with pretrib. Instead, they uniformly credited leading Irvingite sources, all of which upheld the Scottish lassie's contribution! Moreover, I'm hardly the only modern scholar seeing significance in Irvingism's territory. Others in recent years who have noted it, but who haven't mined it as deeply as I have, include Fuller, Ladd, Bass, Rowdon, Sandeen, and Gundry.
Greg Bahnsen and Kenneth Gentry produced evidence in 1989 that Lindsey's book "The Road to Holocaust" (1989) plagiarized "Dominion Theology" (1988) by H. Wayne House and Thomas Ice.
David Jeremiah's and C. C. Carlson's "Escape the Coming Night" (1990) massively plagiarized Lindsey's 1973 book "There's A New World Coming." (For more info, type in "Thieves' Marketing" on MSN or Google.)
Paul Lee Tan's "A Pictorial Guide to Bible Prophecy" (1991) plagiarized large amounts of Lindsey's "The Late Great Planet Earth" (1970).
Militant Darby defender R. A. Huebner claimed in 1991 to have found new evidence that Darby was pretrib as early as 1827 - three years before Macdonald. Halfway through his book Huebner suddenly admitted that his evidence could refer to something completely un-rapturesque. Even though Thomas Ice admitted to me that he knew that Huebner had "blown" his so-called evidence, prevaricator Ice continues to tell the world that Huebner has "positive evidence" that Darby was pretrib in 1827! Ice also conceals the fact that Darby, in his own 1827 paper, was looking for only "the restitution of all things" and "the times of refreshing" (Acts 3:19,21) - which Scofield doesn't see fulfilled until AFTER a future tribulation!
Tim LaHaye's "No Fear of the Storm" (1992) plagiarized Walvoord's "The Blessed Hope and the Tribulation" (1976).
This was when the Los Angeles Times revealed that "The Magog Factor" (1992) by Hal Lindsey and Chuck Missler was a monstrous plagiarism of Prof. Edwin Yamauchi's scholarly 1982 work "Foes from the Northern Frontier." Four months after this exposure, Lindsey and Missler stated they had stopped publishing and promoting their book. But in 1996 Dr. Yamauchi learned that the dishonest duo had issued a 1995 book called "The Magog Invasion" which still had a substantial amount of the same plagiarism! (If Lindsey and Missler ever need hernia operations, I predict that the doctors will tell them not to lift anything for a long time!)
In 1996 it was revealed that Lindsey's "Planet Earth - 2000 A.D." (1994) had an embarrassing amount of plagiarism of a Texe Marrs book titled "Mystery Mark of the New Age" (1988).
My book "The Rapture Plot" reveals the dishonesty in Darby's reprinted works. It's often hard to tell who wrote the footnotes and when. It's easy to believe that the notes, and also unsigned phrases inside brackets within the text, were a devious attempt by someone (Darby? his editor?) to portray a Darby far more developed in pretrib thinking than he actually had been at the time. I found that some of the "additives" had been taken from Darby's much later works, when he was more developed, and placed next to or inside his earliest works! One footnote by Darby's editor, attached to Darby's 1830 paper, actually stated that "it was not worth while either suppressing or changing" anything in this work! If his editor wasn't open to such dishonesty, how can we explain such a statement?
Post-1995 - Thomas Ice's article "Inventor of False Pre-Trib Rapture History" states that my book  "The Rapture Plot" is "only one of the latest in a series of revisions of his original discourse...." And David Reagan in his article "The Origin of the Concept of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture" repeats Ice's falsehood by claiming that I have republished my first book "over the years under several different titles."
    Although my book repeats a bit of the Macdonald origin of pretrib (for new readers), all of my books are packed with new material not found in my other works. For some clarification, "The Incredible Cover-Up" has photos of pertinent places in Ireland, Scotland, and England not found in my later books plus several chapters dealing with theological arguments; "The Great Rapture Hoax" quotes scholars throughout the Church Age, covers Scofield's hidden side, a section on Powerscourt, the 1980 election, the Jupiter Effect, Gundry's change, and more theological arguments; "The Rapture Plot" reveals for the first time the Great Evangelical Revisionism/Robbery and includes appendices on miscopying, plagiarism, etc.; and "The Three R's" shows hypocritical evangelicals employing occultic beliefs they say they have long opposed!
    So Thomas Ice etc. are twisting truth when they claim I am only a revisionist. Do they really think that my publishers DON'T know what I've previously written?
    Re arguments, Google "Pretrib Rapture - Hidden Facts" and also obtain "The End Times Passover" and "Why Christians Will Suffer 'Great Tribulation' " (AuthorHouse, 2006) by media personality Joe Ortiz.
For years Harvest House Publishers has owned and been republishing Lindsey's book "There's A New World Coming." During the same time Lindsey has  been  peddling his  reportedly "new" book    "Apocalyse Code" (1997), much of which is word-for-word the same as the Harvest House book - and there's no notice of "simultaneous publishing" in either book! Talk about pretrib greed!
This is the year I discovered that more than 50 pages of Dallas Seminary professor Merrill Unger's book "Beyond the Crystal Ball" (Moody Press, 1973) constituted a colossal plagiarism of Lindsey's "The Late Great Planet Earth" (1970). After Lindsey's book came out, Unger had complained that Lindsey's book had plagiarized his classroom lecture notes. It was evident that Unger felt that he too should cash in on his own lectures! (The detailed account of this Dallas Seminary dishonesty is revealed in my 1998 book "The Three R's.")
Tim LaHaye's "Understanding the Last Days" (1998) plagiarized Lindsey's "There's A New World Coming" (1973).
More than 200 pages (out of 396 pages) in Lindsey's 1999 book "Vanished Into Thin Air" are virtually carbon copies of pages in his 1983 book "The Rapture" - with no "updated" or "revised" notice included! Lindsey has done the same nervy thing with several of his books, something that has allowed him to live in million-dollar-plus homes and drive cars  like  Ferraris! (See  my Google articles  "Deceiving and Being Deceived" and "Thieves' Marketing" for further evidence of this notably pretrib vice.)   
A Jack Van Impe article "The Moment After" (2000) plagiarized Grant Jeffrey's book "Final Warning" (1995).
Since 2001 my web article "Walvoord's Posttrib 'Varieties' - Plus" has been exposing his devious muddying up of posttrib waters. In some of his books he invented four "distinct" and "contradictory" posttrib divisions, claiming that they are either "classic" or "semiclassic" or "futurist" or "dispensational" - distinctions that disappear when analyzed! His "futurist" group holds to a literal future tribulation and a literal millennium but doesn't embrace "any day" imminency. But his "dispensational" group has the same non-imminency! Moreover, tribulational futurism is found in every group except the first one, and he somehow admitted that a literal millennium is in all four groups! On the other hand, it's the pretribs who consistently disagree with each other over their chief points and subpoints - but somehow end up agreeing that there will be a pretrib rapture! (See my chapter "A House Divided" in my book "The Incredible Cover-Up.")
Since my "Deceiving and Being Deceived" web item which exposed the claims for Pseudo-Ephraem" and "Morgan Edwards" as teachers of pretrib, there has been a piranha-like frenzy on the part of pretrib bodyguards and their duped groupies to "discover" almost anything before 1830 walking upright on two legs that seemed to have at least a remote hint of pretrib! (An exemplary poster boy for such pretrib practice is Grant Jeffrey. To get your money's worth, Google "Wily  Jeffrey.")
FINALLY: Don't take my word for any of the above. Read my 300-page book "The Rapture  Plot" which has a jillion more documented details on the long-hidden but now-revealed history of the dishonest, 179-year-old, fringe-British-invented, American-merchandised-until-the-real-bad-stuff-happens pretribulation rapture fad. If this book of mine doesn't "move" you, I will personally refund what you paid for it.


Dave MacPherson. What People are saying
What They Are Saying About ... THE RAPTURE PLOT!                                                                           
Gary DeMar (President American Vision): "A majority of prophecy writers and speakers teach that the church will be raptured before a future tribulational period. But did you know that prior to about 1830 no such doctrine existed. No one in all of church history ever taught pretribulational rapture. Dave MacPherson does the work of a journalistic private investigator to uncover the truth....The Rapture Plot is the never-before-told true story of the plot - how plagiarism and subtle document changes created the 'mother of all revisionisms.' A fascinating piece of detective work." Robert H. Gundry (Professor Westmont College): "As usual MacPherson out hustles his opponents in research on primary sources. C. S. Lovett (President Personal Christianity): You don't read very much of Dave MacPherson's work before you realize he is a dedicated researcher. Because his work has been so honest and open his latest work The Rapture Plot has produced many red faces among some of the most recognized rapture writers of our time. When their work is compared to his it is embarrassing for them to see how shallow their research is." R. J. Rushdoony (President Chalcedon): "Dave MacPherson has been responsible for major change in the eschatology of evangelical churches by his devastating studies of some of the central aspects thereof. In The Rapture Plot MacPherson tells us of the strange tale of 'rapture' writings, revisions, cover-ups, alterations and confusions. No one has equaled MacPherson in his research on the 'pretrib rapture.' Attempts to discredit his work have failed...."

About the Author: Born 1932 of Scotch/English descent Dave MacPherson is a natural for British historical research. His calling was journalism. Receiving a BA in English in 1955 he spent 26 years as a newsman reporting and filming many notable events persons presidents and dignitaries.