Friday, June 22, 2012

Do Christian Zionist Authors Push their Agenda Through Lies and Plagiarism?

By visiting and guest author Dave MacPherson.

We are always honored when internationally renowned author Dave MacPherson visits us and provides us with pertinent data to the on-going debate between those who promote the Rapture to Heaven mythology and orthodox writers. As we were discussing by phone the other day, one of the main concerns we both had was the audacity by Christian Zionist authors to present what they call 'original' works, when in fact, Dave has verifiable proof that much of their material entails plagiarizing what other authors have presented to the Christian public in the past. Where is the accountability? Is this really all about about presenting the gospel truth or making dollars?

Webster's definition of "plagiarize": "to steal the ideas or words of another and pass them off as one's own." In recent decades journalist/historian Dave MacPherson has discovered monumental plagiarism in books written by some of the best known Bible prophecy authors. Dave's focus herein is on well-known author and pastor David Jeremiah whose 1990 book "Escape the Coming Night" heavily plagiarized Hal Lindsey's 1973 book "There's A New World Coming." 

Included here are a few samples of Jeremiah's piracy. After Dave gave evidence to Thomas Nelson (Jeremiah's publisher) of plagiarism on 47 pages (!), he received the November 1998 letter shown below. An unexpected shock came in 2001 which caused Dave to write the following article "Thieves' Marketing" - the explosive story revealing how "Halic" thoughts quietly became "Davidic" ones when no one was watching.

         Some Examples of Jeremiah's Piracy

     [NOTE: Quotes from Hal Lindsey's 1973 book "There's A New World Coming" (NW) will be followed by plagiarism of them in David
      Jeremiah's 1990 book "Escape the Coming Night" (E). Plagiarism of Lindsey's book was found on 47 pages in Jeremiah's book!]

     (1) NW, p. 66: The symbolic church of "Philadelphia" was from "1750-1925" - the "great missionary era" of "Wesley, Whitefield...Spurgeon, and Moody...."    
          E, p. 54: "The symbolic "Church of Philadelphia" was "from 1750 until around 1925" - "the period of great missionary outreach" of   "John Wesley, George Whitfield, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, D. L. Moody...."

     (2) NW, p. 123: The 144,000 will be "Jewish Billy Grahams."
          E, p. 121: The 144,000 will be "Jewish Billy Grahams."

     (3) NW, p. 144: "Over a century ago, before America groaned under the present crime wave, Joseph Seiss, the author of The     Apocalypse, predicted on the basis of Revelation 9:21 that capital punishment would have been largely abolished by the time of the Tribulation!"
          E, p. 132: "Over a century ago, before we groaned under the present crime wave, J. A. Seiss, author of The Apocalypse, predicted, on the basis of Revelation 9:21, that capital punishment would be largely abolished by the time of the Tribulation."

     (4) NW, p. 173: " of Your children down on earth, Hal Lindsey, just blew it in his Christian life....Lucifer...I let My Son...take the penalty for Hal's sins....You haven't got a case against Hal."
          E, p. 155: "God, did you notice David Jeremiah down there in California? He really blew it today in his so-called Christian life....[Satan], I paid the penalty for his sins upon the cross, so drop this case...."

     (5) NW, p. 251: "...the heavenly preparation for Jesus' return...revolves around five thunderous, resounding shouts of 'Praise the Lord!'... which is sung in unison by angels, Old Testament saints, Tribulation saints, and Church saints."
          E, p. 200:"Five shouts of 'Praise the Lord' resound throughout heaven as there is a great preparation for Jesus' return. The angels, the Old Testament saints, the church saints, and the Tribulation saints will raise their voices in a choir which will reverberate louder than thunder."
[Double click the letter and zoom in to see it larger]

(composed in 2001 by Dave MacPherson)
Are you aware that some major evangelical publishers have been trafficking in stolen items?
Before I load you up with brand-new details about a stunning development in this regard, I need to put this vehicle in reverse.

Surfers of non-pretrib sites may remember the "Deceiving and Being Deceived" article of mine I began distributing last June. In it I included the names of many well-known pretrib authors who had been plagiarizing the writings of others, and also revealed the names of some evangelical publishers who'd been a party to such piracy.

But this shocking story really began in 1997. That was when I discovered that much of a 1990 book, Escape the Coming Night by David Jeremiah and C. C. Carlson, was a brazen plagiarism of Hal Lindsey's 1973 book There's A New World Coming.I can't recall which part of Escape made me suspicious and led me to do a thorough examination. It may have been the description of the 144,000 as "Jewish Billy Grahams"--- an unforgettable phrase I knew Lindsey had used. Originally published by Word Publishing, Escape had later been taken over by Thomas Nelson Publishers, the largest Bible and inspirational book publisher on earth.

The year 1997 also found me working on a new book, one that came out the following year. After I ran across even more plagiarism in some influential evangelical publishers including Moody Press, I decided to confront them.

The first publisher contacted was Thomas Nelson in 1998. I chose to write to Mrs.Sam Moore, the wife of Thomas Nelson's chairman and CEO. (At times it's easier to get the attention of a busy executive if a request or problem is addressed to his wife and marked "personal"!)

Mrs. Moore evidently turned the letter over to her husband because I soon received a letter from Thomas Elmlinger, associate counsel in Nelson's legal department, who asked me to send him evidence of plagiarism in Escape. After I sent him a stack of photocopies of marked pages in both books (Escape had massive plagiarism on 47 pages!), a November 2, 1998 letter from Elmlinger stated:
"Thank you for your letter of October 19 and the enclosed photocopy of the suspect portions of Escape the Coming Night. Word published this book in 1990, two years before Word became a part of Thomas Nelson. Obviously, we were unable to check every title that Word had published for possible problems.

"Nevertheless, we at Thomas Nelson are very concerned about this matter. Accordingly, we are destroying all our current inventory of this title and will not reprint the book.

"Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention."

During the next few years I sent many copies of this letter to Christian leaders and praised Thomas Nelson publicly for its honesty. And in my recent "Deceiving and Being Deceived" article on numerous worldwide sites, I referred to Nelson as a "happy exception to publishing dishonesty" while discussing the thievery in Escape.

Well, clouds can suddenly blot out the sun. In mid-2001 I happened to spot the 1999 reprint of Escape the Coming Night which featured a totally different front cover. This was the first time I'd had a chance to see the new printing and I was wondering what it would look like minus the plagiarism that Elmlinger said would never again appear in that title.

However, I was amazed and dumbfounded upon finding out that ALL of the plagiarism was still in it and that the publishing of it hadn't missed a beat ever since Elmlinger's misleading letter in late 1998!

In addition, I noted that the title page listed the publisher as "Word Publishing" and called it "A Thomas Nelson Company"!

On August 31, 2001 I sent a letter to David Moberg, president of Word Publishing (which now calls itself W Publishing). I told him what I've just told you and added:

"How can a Thomas Nelson company continue to publish a dishonest book? Was your company informed of the plagiarism? If so, why is it still in the book? Thomas Elmlinger at Nelson reviewed the evidence I presented. If you would rather have the proof from me, I can send you a stack of photocopies of marked pages in your latest edition plus marked pages in the Hal Lindsey book that was plagiarized by Jeremiah and Carlson." (HE HAS NEVER RESPONDED!)

A number of weeks later, on October 1st, I mailed the same questions to Mrs. Sam Moore. (SHE HAS NEVER RESPONDED!)

Several weeks later, on October 23rd, I put the same questions to Mr. Elmlinger, the man who gave me a rapture runaround in 1998 while evidently planning all the while to cover up the continuation of dishonest promotion of the pretrib rapture view, a view easily lending itself to such practices simply because it's been riddled with dishonesty since its 1830 birth! (HE HAS NEVER RESPONDED!)

Whenever ancient Israel failed to do right or deliberately did wrong, she brought terror upon herself; that is, she provoked the Lord which forced Him to allow men and even angels to terrorize her. In effect, she was her own terrorist, bringing terror upon herself.
Not all of the terrorists these days are in the Middle East or Afghanistan. In Western "Christian" countries there are those who terrorize millions of the unborn in "hospitals" and those who terrorize the already-born on highways. And also those who terrorize the born-again ones by promoting a latter-day end-time view that's already terrorized and killed unprepared millions in Russia, China, Korea etc. and promises to terrorize and kill many more unprepared and exploited millions.
If terrorists include those who aid and finance terrorism, as President Bush has stated, then those who operate from publishing "caves" in Tennessee or Michigan or Oregon while secretly aiding literary thievery are actually Laodicean enemies in our midst who will force God to terroristically chasten all of us who continue to support such dishonesty----no matter how many flags we wrap ourselves in, and no matter how often we chant our superficial Americadabra slogans!

 MORAL OF THE STORY: In light of Matthew 7:2, if we tolerate Christian leaders who lie to us, cheat us, and steal from us, should we be surprised if God allows us to also have political leaders who lie to us, cheat us, and steal from us?

Dave MacPherson, author and commentator, has penned several books that counter the Rapture to Heaven theory, and the claims by many Christian Zionists' as to its origin. To read over a dozen articles he has written in the past regarding this topic, click on to the Historicism web site. Additional examples of plagiarism by other Christian Zionist authors can also be found here.    

To access information about Joe Ortiz, his other blogs and his books, please click on Joe Ortiz

Friday, June 01, 2012


Dear Friend:

As I have been suspecting would happen, Facebook has arbitrarily cancelled my account with no explanation. I have been trying to warn you folks that if you speak out against the Pharisaical Cabal, and begin to expose who they are, they will try to silence you. Just moments after I shared with Rivka Kadesh (on Facebook) that they were trying to silence me, I was cancelled around 2:15 AM, on June 1. 2012.

I have been warning people that our 1st Amendment Rights would be taken away from us. As a citizen of the US and a journalist, I have the right to express my opinion in the public square, as long as I do not defame, slander nor insult those who I disagree with. I have been outspoken about various groups and entities concerning empire, conspiracy, hubris, mendacity, greed, lust and power, but always in a professional manner. Now, FaceBook has chosen to shut me up, arbitrarily, without giving me any specific reason:

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitutionis part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. 
Please cut and paste this and post this message on your wall and any of the groups you belong to. And ask FaceBook "Why?"

Thank You!
Forward this message to Mark Zuckerberg at his Facebook address: